UNIT GARAGE UNIT GARAGE:ユニットガレージ ウインドシールド L カラー:ライトスモーク R1200GS R1200GS R1250GS R1250GS Adventure :24046511:ウェビック1号店
UNIT GARAGE UNIT GARAGE:ユニットガレージ ウインドシールド L カラー:ライトスモーク R1200GS R1200GS R1250GS R1250GS Adventure :24046511:ウェビック1号店
※スマホの場合は商品情報を全て表示後【在庫確認ボタン】を押してください ■適合車種 R1200GS R1200GS 備考: LC Rad R1200GS 備考: LC R1250GS R1250GS R1250GS Adventure R1250GS Adventure ■商品番号 1912_LS 商品説明 ■注意■ この商品は下記となります。必ずご確認ください。 カラー:ライトスモーク カラー:透明は こちら ※リンク先に商品がない場合、すでに完売している商品となります。予めご了承ください。 ... This windshield is designed to be assembled without any modification,re-using the original screws and supports. We have developed the windshield in different shapes,sizes and transparencies; each one suitable for different statures and expectations. The L windshield offers absolute comfort for long journeys and maximum protection from wind and rain,(find the total sizes and the difference from the original on the photos),it is adjustable like the original one,and offers optimal protection for every rider height. Colors: choose the color in the list: (transparent,light smoke,dark smoke). Measurements: see measurements in the product picture. In order to offer you the best we constantly improve our product details. The images may refer to a previous version. ※海外輸入品のため、説明書が付属する場合、外国語の説明書となります。 ※輸入商材の為、商品によっては納期が遅れるケースがございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。
備考: LC Rad
備考: LC
R1250GS Adventure
R1250GS Adventure
This windshield is designed to be assembled without any modification,re-using the original screws and supports.
We have developed the windshield in different shapes,sizes and transparencies; each one suitable for different statures and expectations.
The L windshield offers absolute comfort for long journeys and maximum protection from wind and rain,(find the total sizes and the difference from the original on the photos),it is adjustable like the original one,and offers optimal protection for every rider height.
Colors: choose the color in the list: (transparent,light smoke,dark smoke).
Measurements: see measurements in the product picture.
In order to offer you the best we constantly improve our product details.
The images may refer to a previous version.