家具の買い替えに伴い、別のスピーカーに変更したため、出品いたします。 以前はオフィスで使用していたため、使用量も頻度も低かったです。
外装(およびスピーカーの下)にいくつかの小さな跡がありますが、大きなチップはありません。 写真をよくご確認ください。
I have switched to a different speaker, so this one is now for sale. I previously used it in my office, so the volume and frequency of use was low.
'Cherry' colour is not manufactured any more, so this version is rare (and new ones are expensive; around 240,000 yen).
There are some small marks on the exterior (and under the speaker), but no major chips. Please check the photos carefully.
Until the sound of listing, the sound was normal, and there are no problems with regular use.
As always: since this is a private listing, please use NCNR, and do not purchase if you are nervous.
Let me know if you have any questions.